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Offshoring means to move your business operations from your country to the Philippines. The most common offshore operations is the Customer Service, Helpdesk, Software Development, contact center, and other business operations. The afore-mentioned operations are the most common in today's modern techno-based industries.

Why Offshore?

Bringing your operations to other countries like the Philippines can give you more benefits. Some of those are the following:

1. Lower cost (Operational expense such as salaries and wages).

2. Lower cost with skilled employees, savings of up to 70% from your local original cost.

3. Continues business operations based on your time zones. You can operate 24/7. 

4. You have a 100% control of your business operations, the way you want it to be, including work instructions and managing the people.

5. You can increase your business efficiency.

6. Your entire team who are hired locally are taken cared of by us, thus, you do not have to worry about your employee's welfare and benefits.

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